Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma CD30+ ALK- in the Oral Cavity as a Primary Manifestation in HIV+ Patient

Case Report


  • Nicolás Leonardi Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Ricardo Christían Caciva Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Eduardo David Piemonte Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Martín Brusa Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Rubén Sambuelli Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Adrián Allende Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • René Luis Panico Universidad Católica de Córdoba



Lymphoma, HIV, Mouth, Neoplasms


Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare subtype of T-cell lymphoma that may involve mucocutaneous sites, in primary form, or secondary to systemic disease. It is a systemic malignancy characterized by an extranodal phenotype that rarely occurs in the oral cavity as the first manifestation of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In the primary forms, ALCL stands out for its favorable prognosis, being important to differentiate them clinically from the secondary ones, which have a rapid and aggressive evolution. For its diagnosis, it requires a rigorous physical and clinical examination and a duly oriented anatomopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation. In the present work, a clinical case of ALCL secondary to HIV is presented, detailing clinical characteristics, anatomopathological description, immunohistochemical profile and evolution against treatment.

Author Biographies

Nicolás Leonardi, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

School Of Dentristy, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Oral Medicine, Córdoba, Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina.

Ricardo Christían Caciva, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

School Of Dentristy, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Oral Medicine, Córdoba, Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina.

Eduardo David Piemonte, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

School Of Dentristy, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Oral Medicine, Córdoba, Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina.

Martín Brusa, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

School Of Dentristy, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Oral Medicine, Córdoba, Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina.

Rubén Sambuelli, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

Faculty Of Medicine, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Oral Pathology, Córdoba, Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina.

Adrián Allende, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

School Of Dentristy, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Oral Medicine, Córdoba, Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina.

René Luis Panico, Universidad Católica de Córdoba

School Of Dentristy, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Oral Medicine, Córdoba, Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Leonardi N, Caciva RC, Piemonte ED, Brusa M, Sambuelli R, Allende A, et al. Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma CD30+ ALK- in the Oral Cavity as a Primary Manifestation in HIV+ Patient: Case Report. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];4:1-5. Available from:



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