Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF document file format.
- Where available, DOI number for the references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
Author Guidelines
3. Submissions
3.1 Overview
3.2 Original Research Articles
3.3 Review Article (Narrative Review)
3.4 Systematic Review
3.5 Case Report and Case Series
3.6 Letters to the Editor
3.7 Editorial
3.8 General Files Preparation Guidelines
3.9 Files Required for Submission
3.10 Nomenclature and Acronyms
3.11 Units of Measurement
3.12 References
3.13 Permissions
3.14 Online Submission
3.15 After Acceptance
3.16 Links and Contact
3.1 Overview
The Journal of Oral Diagnosis encourages authors to familiarize with and adhere to the manuscript preparation guidelines before submitting their manuscripts. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of the following types:
3.2 Original Research Articles
This article type is the preferred submission for the Journal of Oral Diagnosis. When formulating the scientific question, ensure clarity and relevance. Develop a methodology that is appropriate for addressing the question, providing details for replication by peers.
The manuscript must follow a structured format including Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. In the Abstract, succinctly outline the objective, methods, results and conclusion within a maximum of 200 words.
In the Results section, provide a detailed description of the findings obtained, supported by appropriate statistical analysis where applicable. Present data clearly and concisely, utilizing tables and figures where necessary, adhering to the specified limit.
The Discussion should critically evaluate the results in the context of existing literature, highlighting any novel findings or implications for clinical practice. Ensure coherence and logical flow between sections, avoiding redundancy or repetition.
Conclude the article by summarizing key findings and their implications, emphasizing the significance of the study within the field of oral diagnosis.
Keywords should be limited to a maximum of five. Choose terms that accurately reflect the content of the article and facilitate indexing and searchability.
Adhere to the maximum length of 3,000 words and the specified limit of 30 references. Ensure accuracy and relevance of all cited sources, following a consistent citation style throughout the manuscript. Ensure adherence to the specified structure and limit the use of table and figures to a maximum of six.
3.3 Review Article (Narrative Review)
It is a descriptive article, which does not involve a systematic review of the literature. It should deal with a relevant topic to oral pathology and oral medicine, avoiding exhaustive review. The structure of the manuscript should follow this outline: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review/Discussion, and Conclusion.
The abstract should be concise, comprising a maximum of 200 words. It should remain non-structured, providing a succinct summary of the key points discussed in the document. The article should not exceed 3,000 words in total. A maximum of 30 references should be included in the document. Up to 3 figures and/or tables can be used to support the content. Include up to 5 keywords.
3.4 Systematic Review
These manuscripts are preferred over narrative reviews and should strictly follow the PRISMA 2020 guidelines and obtain a PROSPERO registration number. They feature a comprehensive search strategy aimed at reducing bias in the results and conclusions. Each manuscript has a clear review question, inclusion and exclusion criteria, detailed search strategies, rigorous process for selecting studies, thorough data analysis, interpretation of findings, potential of bias analysis and future perspectives.
They should be structured as Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. An structured abstract must have a maximum of 200 words. The maximum length is 3,000 words, and a maximum of 30 references cited in the text. A maximum of 6 table and/or figures is allowed. Use up to 5 keywords.
3.5 Case Report and Case Series
It comprises the description of a single or multiple related cases. If there is a clear scientific question answered by a scientific methodology, the authors are recommended to submit the manuscript as an Original Article.
Acceptance of case reports and case series will be kept to a minimum and will be considered for publication only if they clearly and significantly contribute to a better understanding of the disease. Case reports and case series should be very well documented clinically and microscopically. Follow-up information and treatment data should be provided.
The article should be structured as Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and Conclusion. The non-structured abstract should be limited to 200 words. The article should have a maximum length of 3,000 words, 30 references, 6 figures and/or tables and up to 5 keywords.
3.6 Letters to the Editor
This type of article is intended for some communication with the Editor about a specific theme or article published by the Journal of Oral Diagnosis. It is structured as an open letter, with a maximum length of 750 words, 5 references, 1 figure and/or table and 5 keywords.
3.7 Editorial
Restricted to the editorial board or, occasionally, invited guest editorials. It should have a maximum length of 1,500 words, 15 references, 2 figures and/or tables and up to 5 keywords.
3.8 General Files Preparation Guidelines
Individual file size should not exceed 10MB in size.
Authors should submit their manuscript in .docx format.
The authors should use an A4 size pages, double spaced lines, justified, and Arial or Times New Roman 12 font. Tables, Graphs, Drawings, and Figures must be cited (but not included) in the main manuscript body and named consecutively with Arabic numerals. The legends of figures and tables should be placed in the manuscript after the references.
Tables and Figures should be submitted as separate files, not included in the main manuscript.
3.9 Files Required for Submission
Authors should include the following documents with their submission:
- a. Cover letter (.docx),
- b. Title Page (.docx),
- c. Main manuscript (.docx),
- d. Tables (.docx),
- e. Figures (.jpg or .tiff),
- f. Conflict of Interest and other disclosure Forms (.pdf) (to be submitted only after article acceptance),
- g. Where applicable, reporting checklists/guidelines (.pdf), corresponding to the article type (CONSORT, STROBE, CARE, PRISMA, etc.)
- h. Revised versions of the manuscript should also include a point-to-point response letter (.docx).
a. Cover letter
All authors, or the corresponding author acting on behalf of all contributors, are required to sign a cover letter affirming their acceptance of the publication under the Creative Commons Attribution license. as Additionally, they must disclose any financial support received and potential conflicts of interest. Information including the names of funders and associated grant numbers should be provided.
Authors must also declare that the study was held in accordance with the Research Ethics Commission of the Institution of origin.
Authors must declare that the study is original and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere.
b. Title Page
It should contain full names of all authors along with their ORCiD number, with particular emphasis on the corresponding author. The institutional affiliations of each author. The corresponding author’s complete address and contact information.
Clear definition of each author’s contributions to the manuscript.
Disclosure of financial support received for the research.
A statement regarding any potential conflict of interest.
Acknowledgments section for expressing gratitude to individuals who contributed to the work but do not meet the criteria for authorship.
c. Main manuscript
The main manuscript file includes the structured manuscript, organized according to each article as previously described. Additionally, the reference list, table, and figure legends should be provided on separate pages."
d. Tables
- Tables should be self-contained and complement, not duplicate, information contained in the text.
- They should be supplied as .docx separated files, not pasted as images nor in the main text file
- Legends should be concise but comprehensive
- All abbreviations must be defined in footnotes.
- Footnote symbols: †, ‡, §, ¶, should be used (in that order) and *, **, *** should be reserved for P-values.
- All tables must be cited in the text.
e. Figures
- Authors are encouraged to send the highest-quality figures possible
- The images' resolution should be as close as possible to 300 dpi and size 17 × 13 cm.
- Images should be sent separately in JPEG or TIFF extension files, using RGB color mode.
- They must be cited in the manuscript
- Figures submitted in color will be reproduced in color online free of charge
- Images should not be manipulated or adjusted in any way that could result in misinterpretation of the information.
f. Conflict of Interest disclosure Forms
- Each author must fill and save the ICMJE Conflict of Interest disclosure form (
- The submitting author must upload only after article acceptance.
g. Reporting checklists
- It depends on the type of work or manuscript
h. Response to Editors and Reviewers comments
- This file must have the authors' answers point-by-point to the editors and reviewers’ remarks
- The corrections made in the revised manuscript should also be highlighted in red color
3.10 Nomenclature and Acronyms
Terms should not be abbreviated unless they are used repeatedly. Initially, use the word in full, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation only.
3.11 Units of Measurement
The Journal of Oral Diagnosis uses the International System of Units. More information is available at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) website. In decimals, a decimal point, and not a comma, will be used.
3.12 References
The Journal of Oral Diagnosis uses the Vancouver style adapted by the National Library of Medicine and used as guidance by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic references used.
All references should be cited in the text as superscript numbers in order of appearance, as well as in the reference list.
Examples of the most used bibliographic references. For more information visit:
Manuscripts with less than six authors. Cite all of them:
Wenzel A, Fejerskov O. Validity of diagnosis of questionable caries lesions in occlusal surfaces of extracted third molars. Caries Res. 1992;26:188-93.
Manuscripts with more than six authors. Cite the first six followed by the expression “et al”:
Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childhood - leukemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 years follow-up. Br J Cancer. 1996;73:1006-12.
Melberg JR, Ripa LW, Leske GS. Fluoride in preventive dentistry: theory and clinical applications. Chicago: Quintessence; 1983.
Verbeeck RMH. Minerals in human enamel and dentin. ln: Driessens FCM, Woltgens JHM, editors. Tooth development and caries. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1986. p.95-152.
3.13 Permissions
The authors are fully responsible to inform the Journal of Oral Diagnosis and to upload the written permission from the copyright owner of previously published material.
3.14 Online Submission
The Journal of Oral Diagnosis uses the Open Journal System/Public Knowledge Project (OJS/PKP) online submission system where authors can submit and track the evaluation progress of their manuscripts. One of the authors must create an account on the online submission system and when the submission is finished, all authors will be sent an email to confirm the manuscript submission.
3.15 After Acceptance
The corresponding author will receive an email from the Journal of Oral Diagnosis containing the PDF proof of their manuscript. It will be possible to confirm the correct spelling of the authors name and institutional affiliations, to make small corrections that do not modify the content already accepted by the editorial board and to answer any queries from the editorial assistance. The corresponding author will be demanded to return the revised proof in no more than 24hours to avoid significant delay in the article publication.
3.16 Links and Contact
Submission System:
Brazilian Society of Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology:
Official e-mail:
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.