Human dental enamel evaluation after radiotherapy simulation and laminates debonding with Er,Cr:YSGG using SEM and EDS


  • Thais Freitas Rabelo Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
  • Claudia Bianchi Zamataro Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
  • Nielsen Grosko Kuchar Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
  • Nathalia Zanini Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
  • Amanda Caramel Juvino Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
  • Matheus del-Valle Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
  • Pedro Arthur Augusto Castro Nuclear and Energy Research Institute
  • Moises Oliveira Santos Nuclear and Energy Research Institute; Amazonas State University
  • Denise Maria Zezell Nuclear and Energy Research Institute



Radiotherapy, Gamma Rays, Lasers, Solid-State, Dental Enamel, Head and Neck Neoplasms


The pursuit of perfection makes younger people undergo aesthetic procedures without formal indication. However, young patients may be susceptible to a disease such as head and neck cancer which treatment can compromise the adhesion of these indirect mate- rials. Here, we present an analyze, of the gamma radiation effects on crystallographic morphology of human dental enamel after laminate veneer debonding with Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Thus, human dental enamel samples were prepared and randomized into 2 groups (n=10): Laser Irradiation (L) and Gamma + Laser Irradiation (GL) group. Scanning elec- tron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were performed before bonding and after debonding using Er,Cr:YSGG. Only Gamma + Laser Irradia- tion group received a cumulative dose of 70 Gy gamma radiation used in head and neck cancer radiotherapy. SEM images showed that both GL and L groups presented altered morphology. EDS showed an decrease in Ca and P intensities after laser debonding of laminates veneers in both group. Therefore, a proper laser facet removal protocol should be established for healthy patients and patients who have been exposed to radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.

Author Biographies

Thais Freitas Rabelo, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Center for Lasers and Applications

Claudia Bianchi Zamataro, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Center for Lasers and Applications

Nielsen Grosko Kuchar, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Center for Lasers and Applications

Nathalia Zanini, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Center for Lasers and Applications

Amanda Caramel Juvino, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, Center for Lasers and Applications - São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil.

Matheus del-Valle, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Center for Lasers and Applications

Pedro Arthur Augusto Castro, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Center for Lasers and Applications

Moises Oliveira Santos, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute; Amazonas State University

Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, Center for Lasers and Applications; Amazonas State University, Technology College

Denise Maria Zezell, Nuclear and Energy Research Institute

Center for Lasers and Applications


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How to Cite

Rabelo TF, Zamataro CB, Kuchar NG, Zanini N, Juvino AC, del-Valle M, et al. Human dental enamel evaluation after radiotherapy simulation and laminates debonding with Er,Cr:YSGG using SEM and EDS. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];4:1-5. Available from:



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