Mucous retention cyst in maxillary sinus with expansion of maxillary tuberosity

case Report


  • Renato Garcia Mattos
  • Lais Sara Egas São Paulo State University
  • Priscila Carneiro Oliveira Regional College of Bahia
  • Ana Paula Farnezi Bassi São Paulo State University
  • Francisley Avila Souza São Paulo State University
  • Daniela Ponzoni São Paulo State University



Retention cyst, Maxillary sinus, Oral diagnosis, Enucleation


Mucosal retention cyst in the maxillary sinus is a benign entity that results from obstruc- tion and dilation of seromucous glands ducts due to inflammation, infection or reaction of maxillary sinus mucosa to allergic processes. It is an asymptomatic lesion, usually identified in routine imaging tests requested by professionals. The present study aims to present a case of maxillary sinus mucosal retention cyst in a 63 years old patient who reported difficulty in adapting her total upper prosthesis and persistent pain in the left maxilla. The treatment was surgical enucleation.

Author Biographies

Renato Garcia Mattos

Private practice, Dentistry

Lais Sara Egas, São Paulo State University

Surgery and Integrated Clinics

Priscila Carneiro Oliveira, Regional College of Bahia

Periodontisty Clinic

Ana Paula Farnezi Bassi, São Paulo State University

Surgery and Integrated Clinics

Francisley Avila Souza, São Paulo State University

Surgery and Integrated Clinics

Daniela Ponzoni, São Paulo State University

Surgery and Integrated Clinics


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How to Cite

Mattos RG, Egas LS, Oliveira PC, Bassi APF, Souza FA, Ponzoni D. Mucous retention cyst in maxillary sinus with expansion of maxillary tuberosity: case Report. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 20 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];3:1-7. Available from:



Case Report