A clinical case report of dens in dente in an unusual location


  • Alexandre Camisassa Diniz Leite Greco Pontifical Catholic University
  • Carolina Drumond de Barros e Azevedo Pontifical Catholic University
  • Cláudia Assunçao e Alves Cardoso Pontifical Catholic University
  • Fábio Oliveira Cardoso Pontifical Catholic University
  • Morena Maureem Nogueira Soares Rios Pontifical Catholic University
  • Natália Myrrha Simoes Pontifical Catholic University
  • Flávio Ricardo Manzi Pontifical Catholic University




Dens in Dente, Tooth Abnormalities, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography


Introduction: Dens in dente or dens invaginatus is an anomaly of tooth formation, result of the invagination of coronary tissue in the pulp chamber, which occurs previously to tissue calcification. The majority of dens in dente cases are discovered by routine imaging exams, in which it is possible to identify an invagination of enamel into the pulp chamber, where the enamel appears well delineated, giving the impression of “a small tooth inside the other”. Objective: Approach the clinical and radiographic aspects, as well as diagnose this pathology using imaging exams, through an atypical clinical case report of Oehlers type II dens in dente in the left maxillary third molar. Case report: Female patient, 20 years old, went to the Dental Clinic of the Odontology Scholl at PUC Minas, to have the third molars extracted. The panoramic radiograph examination showed shape change in the left maxillary third molar. Considering the atypical form, a cone beam computed tomography was requested. Conclusion: The case related showed how important are the image exams to do the precise diagnosis on this anomaly. The cone bean computer tomo- graphy should be ask if the conventional imaging tests aren’t able to value the disease and plan the treatment.


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How to Cite

Greco ACDL, Azevedo CD de B e, Cardoso CA e A, Cardoso FO, Rios MMNS, Simoes NM, et al. A clinical case report of dens in dente in an unusual location. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];2:1-4. Available from: https://jordi.com.br/revista/article/view/216



Case Report