Treatment of oroantral fistula

case report


  • Kétsia Rayssa Henriques Ferreira Federal University of Pará
  • Josiclei de Castro Moraes Federal University of Pará
  • Clarina Louis Silva Meira Federal University of Pará
  • Lucas Lacerda de Souza Federal University of Pará
  • Nicolau Conte Neto Federal University of Pará
  • Thiago Brito Xavier Federal University of Pará



Oral surgery, operative surgical procedures, maxillary sinus


The oroantral fistula is a pathological communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus that is covered with epithelial tissue from both sites. It may be caused by dental infections, surgical iatrogenesis, radiotherapy or trauma. To avoid contamination of the maxillary antrum, this connection must be closed. Several tissue flaps may be used for this. The aim of this paper is to present a case of oroantral fistula treatment in the posterior region of the left maxilla using a vestibular sliding strip flap with palatal inter- position. A 54-year-old female patient was presented with an oroantral fistula confirmed by the Valsalva maneuver and radiographic examination. The patient was previously ex- posed to antimicrobial treatment in order to solve the acute infectious disease, which was accompanied by surgical closure. Dehiscence and drainage via fistula in the postoperative period motivated the performance of a second surgical procedure using a sliding vestibular flap with palatal interposition. It is concluded that infection prevention is important for the effectiveness of treatment, as well as patient’s cooperation in the postoperative period.

Author Biographies

Kétsia Rayssa Henriques Ferreira, Federal University of Pará

Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Dentistry Student, Faculty of Dentistry - Belém - Pará - Brasil.

Josiclei de Castro Moraes, Federal University of Pará

Federal University of Pará, Resident in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, João de Barros Barreto University Hospital - Belém - Pará - Brasil

Clarina Louis Silva Meira, Federal University of Pará

Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Dentistry Student, Faculty of Dentistry - Belém - Pará - Brasil.

Lucas Lacerda de Souza, Federal University of Pará

Federal University of Pará, Resident in Integrated Clinic, João de Barros Barreto University Hospital - Belém - Pará - Brasil

Nicolau Conte Neto, Federal University of Pará

Federal University of Pará, Professor at the Residency of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, João de Barros Barreto University Hospital - Belém - Pará - Brasil

Thiago Brito Xavier, Federal University of Pará

Federal University of Pará, Professor at the Residency of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, João de Barros Barreto University Hospital - Belém - Pará - Brasil


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How to Cite

Ferreira KRH, Moraes J de C, Meira CLS, Souza LL de, Conte Neto N, Xavier TB. Treatment of oroantral fistula: case report. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 8 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];6:1-5. Available from:



Case Report