
Primary Diagnosis From an Oral Ulcer


  • Bruno Teixeira Gonçalves Rodrigues Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Alexandre de Freitas Caetano Guimarães Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Fábio Ramôa Pires Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Mônica Simões Israel Rio de Janeiro State University



Tuberculosis, Oral Ulcer, Tongue, Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculo- sis. Tuberculosis can manifest within the oral cavity as a painless chronic ulcer - which resembles several other oral diseases - at this moment, diagnosis can be achieved through an incisional biopsy. We report a case of TB diagnosed from an oral ulcer in a 54-year- -old male referred for evaluation of a 1-month lasting non-healing ulcer in the tongue. Intraoral clinical examination revealed a single painless chronic ulcer with irregular borders located in the apex of the tongue. Squamous cell carcinoma was the main clinical diagnosis; however, after performing an incisional biopsy and histopathological exami- nation, TB was suggested, and confirmed through the purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test. Patient was then referred to a medical service and confirmed lung involvement by the disease, starting the treatment protocol for TB. A 1-month follow-up showed complete regression of the oral lesion. The patient completed the TB treatment and is under clinical follow-up for 2 years.

Author Biographies

Bruno Teixeira Gonçalves Rodrigues, Rio de Janeiro State University

 Department of Diagnosis and Therapeutics

Alexandre de Freitas Caetano Guimarães, Rio de Janeiro State University

Department of Diagnosis and Therapeutics

Fábio Ramôa Pires, Rio de Janeiro State University

Department of Diagnosis and Therapeutics

Mônica Simões Israel, Rio de Janeiro State University

Department of Diagnosis and Therapeutics


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How to Cite

Rodrigues BTG, Guimarães A de FC, Pires FR, Israel MS. Tuberculosis: Primary Diagnosis From an Oral Ulcer. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 11 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];5:1-4. Available from:



Original Article