Atipical association case between dens in dente and twinning


  • Vinícius Cesar Barbosa de Menezes Newton Paiva
  • Saulo Abreu ARNALDO
  • Thalles Diniz D`Avila Resende PUC Minas
  • Fabrício Resende Amaral ARNALDO
  • Carolina Drumond de Barros e Azevedo Faculdade Pitágoras
  • Alexandre Camisassa Diniz Leite Greco ARNALDO


Palabras clave:

Dens in Dente, Tooth Abnormalities, Radiology, Diagnosis, Oral


The formation of the tooth, called Odontogenesis, results from the interaction of the oral epithelium and the ectomesenchyma, where this complex process follows a histological pattern at each stage of this development, thus forming structures such as enamel, dentin, pulp, cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. And in determinatated circumstances, modifications in the process of tooth development alter the morphology of the tissues, forming dental anomalies such as twinning, fusion, concrescence and Dens in Dent (Invented Tooth). Therefore, the objective of this study is to report a rare case of the presence of associated dental anamolies, twinning and Dens in Dent, diagnosed by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).

Biografía del autor/a

Vinícius Cesar Barbosa de Menezes, Newton Paiva

Department of Surgery

Saulo Abreu, ARNALDO

Department of Prosthesis

Thalles Diniz D`Avila Resende, PUC Minas

 Dental School

Fabrício Resende Amaral, ARNALDO

Department of Radiology and Stomatology

Carolina Drumond de Barros e Azevedo, Faculdade Pitágoras

Department of Radiology

Alexandre Camisassa Diniz Leite Greco, ARNALDO

Department of Surgery and Implantology


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Cómo citar

Menezes VCB de, Abreu S, Resende TDD, Amaral FR, Azevedo CD de B e, Greco ACDL. Atipical association case between dens in dente and twinning. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 15 de enero de 2019 [citado 19 de septiembre de 2024];4:1-5. Disponible en:



Case Report