Desmoplastic fibroma

Case report


  • Anne Diollina Araújo Morais Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral
  • Carlos Eduardo Nogueira Nunes Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral
  • Marcelo Bonifácio da Silva Sampieri Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral
  • Filipe Nobre Chaves Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral
  • Denise Hélen Imaculada Pereira de Oliveira Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral


Palabras clave:

Fibroma, desmoplastic, Myofibroblasts, Immunohistochemistry, Mouth neoplasms


Introduction: Desmoplastic fibroma (DF), an intraosseous tumor of myofibroblastic origin, has been characterized as an uncommon neoplasm. Though representing less than 1% of all bone tumors, it presents a locally aggressive character. Objective: The objective of this article is to report a case of DF, focusing on its clinical, radiographic, and histopathological characteristics, and to discuss the morphological criteria for differential diagnosis while comparing with other benign intraosseous tumors. Case report: The present case concerns a female patient, 31 years old, a leucoderma who sought clinical care with the principal complaint being swelling in the mouth. In the extra-oral examination, no asymmetry was observed, but in the tomographic examination, the presence of a mixed-aspect intraosseous lesion with areas of hypo-density and of hyper-density, being multilocular, with evidence of vestibular cortex bone expansion was observed. An excisional biopsy was performed and in view of the histological and immunohistochemical data, a final diagnosis of DF was reached. Conclusion: Because DF is a rare neoplasm presenting histopathological characteristics superimposed on other entities (whether benign and malignant), thorough clinical, radiographic, histopathological, and immunohistochemical examinations are necessary for a correct diagnosis. Due to its aggressiveness and potential for relapse, the correct choice of treatment and of long-term follow-up is extremely important.

Biografía del autor/a

Anne Diollina Araújo Morais, Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral

Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Stomatology and Oral Pathology

Carlos Eduardo Nogueira Nunes, Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral

Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Stomatology and Oral Pathology

Marcelo Bonifácio da Silva Sampieri, Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral

Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Stomatology and Oral Pathology

Filipe Nobre Chaves, Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral

Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral, Postgraduate Program, Health Sciences

Denise Hélen Imaculada Pereira de Oliveira, Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral

Federal University of Ceará Campus Sobral, Postgraduate Program, Health Sciences


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Cómo citar

Morais ADA, Nunes CEN, Sampieri MB da S, Chaves FN, Oliveira DHIP de. Desmoplastic fibroma: Case report. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 8 de enero de 2021 [citado 21 de septiembre de 2024];6:1-6. Disponible en:



Case Report