Tongue mucocele and microlith associated with a phlebolith mimicking a hemangioma

A unique case report with its surgical management




Hemangioma, Mucocele, Tongue


Unique variants of oral mucocele such as the mucocele appearing on tongue are consid- ered to be extremely rare. It is important to recognize these unique variants promptly to avoid misdiagnosis. The cases of phleboliths not associated with vascular lesions are also rarely reported in the literature, especially as solitary nodules. Conclusion: The fol- lowing manuscript thereby attempts to present a unique case of a geriatric patient with a combination of Tongue mucocele with microlith mimicking a hemangioma associated with phlebolith along with its diagnosis, clinical presentation and surgical management.

Biografia do Autor

Nyer Firdoose C.S., Riyadh Specialized Centre

Riyadh Specialized Centre, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Ishbiliyah, 13226, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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Como Citar

Firdoose C.S. N. Tongue mucocele and microlith associated with a phlebolith mimicking a hemangioma: A unique case report with its surgical management. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 15º de janeiro de 2019 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];4:1-4. Disponível em:



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