Case report

tongue squamous cell carcinoma after renal transplantation


  • Suellen Vieira do Nascimento Federal University of São Paulo
  • Adriana Furtado de Macedo University Cruzeiro do Sul
  • Cynthia Larissa Cordeiro de Souza Federal University of São Paulo
  • José Osmar Medina Pestana Federal University of São Paulo
  • Yuri Kalinin



Carcinoma, Squamous Cell, Tongue, Immunosuppression (Physiology), Kidney Transplantation, Oncogenic Viruses, Oral Medicine


The continuous immunosuppression of patients undergoing solid organ transplantation leaves them susceptible to the development of a wide variety of neoplasias, increasing their risk in relation to the general population. The present article presents a case report of squamous cell carcinoma in the tongue of a 57 year-old man fifteen years after a live donor kidney transplant. In use of several medications, he presented several comorbidities in the post-transplant period. One of these, Kaposi’s sarcoma, is quite common in organ transplanted individuals associated with HHV-8. In this specific case, the neoplasia had the oral cavity as the primary site and the Oral Medicine team had an important role in the diagnosis of the lesion and treatment of its comorbidities, and this care was the motivation of this article.

Biografia do Autor

Suellen Vieira do Nascimento, Federal University of São Paulo

Paulista Medicine School, Dental Service of Hospital Sao Paulo

Adriana Furtado de Macedo, University Cruzeiro do Sul

Pediatric Dentistry Department

Cynthia Larissa Cordeiro de Souza, Federal University of São Paulo

Paulista Medicine School, Dental Service of Hospital Sao Paulo

José Osmar Medina Pestana, Federal University of São Paulo

Paulista Medicine School, Department of Nefrology of Hospital Sao Paulo

Yuri Kalinin

Dentist of the city of Praia Grande


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Como Citar

Nascimento SV do, Macedo AF de, Souza CLC de, Pestana JOM, Kalinin Y. Case report: tongue squamous cell carcinoma after renal transplantation. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 20º de janeiro de 2018 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];3:1-4. Disponível em:



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