Verruciform xanthoma of the upper anterior gingiva


  • Janderson Teixeira Rodrigues Estácio de Sá University
  • Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto Brazilian Dental Association
  • Aguida Maria Menezes Aguiar Miranda Brazilian Dental Association
  • Simone de Macedo Amaral Brazilian Dental Association
  • Fábio Ramôa Pires Estácio de Sá University. State University of Rio de Janeiro



Gingiva, Xanthomatosis, Mouth Mucosa, Mouth Diseases


Introduction: Verruciform xanthoma (VX) is a reactive oral mucosal lesion that can re- semble other papillary conditions. Objective: To report a case of gingival VX clinically mimicking other papillary swellings. Case report: A 66-year-old female presented for evaluation of a painless papillary growth in the gingival margin of the upper right central incisor. Clinical diagnosis included papillary gingival hyperplasia and VX. An excisional biopsy was done and histology revealed a proliferative surface epithelium with papillary projections and CD68+ xanthomatous cells on the upper papillary superficial connective tissue. Diagnosis was VX and the patient remains in clinical follow-up with no signs of recurrence for 4 months. Conclusion: VX should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gingival papillary swellings.

Biografia do Autor

Janderson Teixeira Rodrigues, Estácio de Sá University

Post-graduation program in Dentistry

Juliana de Noronha Santos Netto, Brazilian Dental Association


Aguida Maria Menezes Aguiar Miranda, Brazilian Dental Association


Simone de Macedo Amaral, Brazilian Dental Association


Fábio Ramôa Pires, Estácio de Sá University. State University of Rio de Janeiro

Estácio de Sá University, Post-graduation program in Dentistry. State University of Rio de Janeiro, Oral Pathology


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Como Citar

Rodrigues JT, Santos Netto J de N, Miranda AMMA, Amaral S de M, Pires FR. Verruciform xanthoma of the upper anterior gingiva. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 5º de janeiro de 2017 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];2:1-4. Disponível em:



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