An unusual presentation of osteoblastoma


  • Victor Perez Teixeira UNIMES
  • José Narciso Rosa Assunçao Júnior UNIMES
  • Letícia Almeida Oliveira UNIMES
  • Ana Maria Hoyos Cadavid FOUSP
  • Celso Augusto Lemos Júnior FOUSP
  • Joao Alberto Lopes Sousa Júnior Hospital Dr. Luis Camargo da Fonseca e Silva



Osteoblastoma, Diagnosis, Oral, Maxilla


Osteoblastoma is a rare benign bone tumor that accounts for less than 1% of all primary bone tumors. Due to a low occurrence and varied histopathological aspects, this pathology becomes a diagnostic challenge. Therefore, our objective of reporting a case of osteoblas- toma in the maxilla is to discuss another presentation of this tumor. Male patient, suffering from leucoderma, 50 years old, presented an expansion in right superior vestibular groove with pain during palpation and an extensive osteolytic lesion in the right maxilla, of solid content, observed in computed tomography. With an anatomopathological diagnosis of osteoblastoma by an incisional biopsy, conservative surgery was performed to remove the lesion. The definitive analysis of the excised tumor confirmed the preoperative diagnosis. The patient has been followed up for a period of 5 years without relapses of the neoplasia. Therefore, due to the rarity and the difficult diagnosis, describing cases like this one and their presentation characteristics is extremely important to enhance knowledge of this pathology among professionals in the area of diagnosis and maxillofacial surgery.

Biografia do Autor

Victor Perez Teixeira, UNIMES

School of Dentistry. School of Medicine

José Narciso Rosa Assunçao Júnior, UNIMES

School of Dentistry

Letícia Almeida Oliveira, UNIMES

School of Dentistry

Ana Maria Hoyos Cadavid, FOUSP

Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry

Celso Augusto Lemos Júnior, FOUSP

Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry

Joao Alberto Lopes Sousa Júnior, Hospital Dr. Luis Camargo da Fonseca e Silva

Serviço de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço


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Como Citar

Teixeira VP, Assunçao Júnior JNR, Oliveira LA, Cadavid AMH, Lemos Júnior CA, Sousa Júnior JAL. An unusual presentation of osteoblastoma. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 5º de janeiro de 2017 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];2:1-5. Disponível em:



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