Association of Treatment and a 3-D image follow - up on a Recurrent Keratocyst


  • Claudine Thereza-Bussolaro University of Alberta
  • Camila Pachêco-Pereira University of Alberta
  • Carlos Flores-Mir University of Alberta
  • Arlindo Aburad Cancer Hospital



Odontogenic Cysts, Recurrence, Pathology, Oral, Treatment Outcome, Imaging, Three-Dimensional


Introduction: Accordingly to the latest edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) the previously known Keratocyst Odontogenic Tumour (KCOT) has now returned to the simple odontogenic cyst (OKC) classification. We present a case successfully treated by a combination of minimal-invasive approaches. Case Presentation: A large OKC was identified extending from tooth 3.8 through the condylar process in the mandible and staged surgical conservative approaches were performed. Total healing was achieved and followed - up over 8 years. The case was well documented via panoramic radiographs, CBCTs, and a 3D image tool illustrates the cortical bone destruction (before treatment) and the cortical bone healing after treatment. Discussion: Agreement regarding terminology and treatment of OKC has been reached. In this case, a complete healing of a recurrent OKC was achieved by decompression, enucleation, and blurring of the bone walls. Rigo- rous follow-up enriched by a 3D reconstruction imaging allows an educational view of the healing. Conclusion: This case suggests that a staged surgery approaches concurrent to rigorous patient follow-up could be a feasible alternative to extensive OKT treatment. And, reinforces the importance of collaboration between orthodontist, pathologist, OMS, and the patient have crucial importance in the conservative management of the lesion.

Biografia do Autor

Claudine Thereza-Bussolaro, University of Alberta

Department of Medicine and Dentistry - Edmonton - Alberta - Canadá

Camila Pachêco-Pereira, University of Alberta

Department of Medicine and Dentistry - Edmonton - Alberta - Canadá

Carlos Flores-Mir, University of Alberta

Department of Medicine and Dentistry - Edmonton - Alberta - Canadá

Arlindo Aburad, Cancer Hospital

Oral Pathology


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Como Citar

Thereza-Bussolaro C, Pachêco-Pereira C, Flores-Mir C, Aburad A. Association of Treatment and a 3-D image follow - up on a Recurrent Keratocyst. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 5º de janeiro de 2017 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];2:1-6. Disponível em:



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