Melanoma of the oral mucosa: report of an aggressive case and review of the literature


  • Isabella Jardelino Dias States University of Paraíba
  • Iroildo Jacinto Ferreira Filho States University of Paraíba
  • Jozinete Vieira Pereira States University of Paraíba
  • Bárbara Vanessa de Brito Monteiro States University of Paraíba
  • Cassiano Francisco Weege Nonaka States University of Paraíba
  • Polliana Muniz Alves States University of Paraíba
  • Daliana Queiroga de Castro Gomes States University of Paraíba



Melanoma, Mouth Neoplasms, Pigmentation, Oral Health


Introduction: Melanoma is an aggressive malignant neoplasm of uncertain etiology. Al- though the third most common skin cancer, melanoma is rare in the oral cavity, accounting for less than 1% of all melanomas and for 0.5% of all malignant oral tumors. Objective: This study reports a case of melanoma diagnosed and followed up by the dentistry team of the Napoleão Laureano Hospital, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil. Case report: A 69-year- -old dark-skinned male patient was referred to the stomatology service of the hospital reporting pain and bleeding in the upper alveolar ridge, as well as the presence of a “lump” at the same site. Intraoral physical examination revealed a purple nodule of soft consistency in the anterior maxilla, which measured 2.0 cm in diameter and exhibited superficial ulcerations. An incisional biopsy was performed and histopathological analysis revealed intense proliferation of atypical melanocytes characterized by variable degrees of pleomorphism and nuclear hyperchromatism. The diagnosis was melanoma of the oral mucosa. The patient underwent surgical resection consisting of complete removal of the tumor with wide safety margins, chemotherapy, and adjuvant radiotherapy. The patient continues under follow-up and showed no recurrence of the lesion one year after surgery. Conclusion: Melanoma of the oral mucosa exhibits an aggressive behavior and rapid gro- wth, as observed in the present case. Knowledge of the clinical and etiopathogenic features is important for the early diagnosis of the disease in order to improve patient survival.

Biografia do Autor

Isabella Jardelino Dias, States University of Paraíba

Department Odontology

Iroildo Jacinto Ferreira Filho, States University of Paraíba

Department Odontology

Jozinete Vieira Pereira, States University of Paraíba

Department Odontology

Bárbara Vanessa de Brito Monteiro, States University of Paraíba

Department Odontology

Cassiano Francisco Weege Nonaka, States University of Paraíba

Department Odontology

Polliana Muniz Alves, States University of Paraíba

Department Odontology

Daliana Queiroga de Castro Gomes, States University of Paraíba

Department Odontology


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Como Citar

Dias IJ, Ferreira Filho IJ, Pereira JV, Monteiro BV de B, Nonaka CFW, Alves PM, et al. Melanoma of the oral mucosa: report of an aggressive case and review of the literature. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 5º de janeiro de 2017 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];2:1-6. Disponível em:



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