Generalized gingival enlargement associated with aggressive periodontitis in a 20-year-old patient

case report and literature review


  • Marcos Custódio Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paula Verona Ragusa da Silva Universidade de São Paulo
  • Norberto Nobuo Sugaya Universidade de São Paulo
  • Celso Augusto Lemos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Claudio Mendes Pannuti Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paulo Henrique Braz-Silva Universidade de São Paulo



Gingival Hyperplasia, Aggressive Periodontitis, Periodontal Diseases


The association of a pronounced gingival enlargement (GE) and severe aggressive periodontitis (AP) without underlying diseases or syndromes is rarely reported. We aimed to report a rare case of such association in a young female patient and to review the literature regarding the coexistence of these two diseases. A 20-year-old female patient was referred due to an extensive and generalized gingival enlargement along with teeth mobility with one-year length. Medical and family histories were non-contributory. Intraoral examination revealed a diffuse and smooth-surfaced overgrowth, normal in color with fibrous consistence covering nearly all molars crowns of both upper and lower arches. Histopathological examination revealed excessive amounts of collagen fibers and mild inflammation. The clinical and histopathological features did not fit in any known syndrome or disease. Thus, the diagnosis of generalized idiopathic gingival enlargement associated with severe aggressive periodontitis was concluded and the patient was referred to specialized periodontal treatment. The real meaning of the association between GE and AP remains unknown. Further investigation is desirable to understand the coexistence of these two diseases.


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Como Citar

Custódio M, Silva PVR da, Sugaya NN, Lemos CA, Pannuti CM, Braz-Silva PH. Generalized gingival enlargement associated with aggressive periodontitis in a 20-year-old patient: case report and literature review. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 12º de janeiro de 2016 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];1:1-5. Disponível em:



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