Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor with chondroid differentiation

a potential diagnostic pitfall


  • Maria Carolina Martins Mussi Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7616-2845
  • Fernanda Mombrini Pigatti Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Priscila Lie Tobouti Universidade de São Paulo
  • Bruno Tavares Sedassar Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Decio dos-Santos Pinto Junior Universidade de São Paulo
  • Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa Universidade de São Paulo




Ewing sarcoma, Primitive neuroectodermal tumor, Molecular Pathology


Ewing sarcoma/Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (ES/PNET) with chondroid differen- tiation and mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MSC) have similar histopathological features. It may be difficult to distinguish both lesions without genetic or molecular analysis. The main aim of this case report is to highlight the difficulty in establishing the diagnosis of ES/ PNET with areas of chondroid differentiation. A 14-year-old female patient with painful right mandibular swelling. Imaging exams showed an extensive osteolytic lesion with mineralized areas. Histomorphologic and immunohistochemistry studies were performed. In situ hybridization was necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry and H&E-stained sections did not provide sufficient evidence to differentiate ES/PNET from MCS. The genetic tool demonstrated EWS1 gene breakpoint. ES/PNET with chondroid differentiation is rare and new studies are necessary to standardize molecular biomarkers and/or the panel of antibodies required to differentiate ES/PNET from MCS.

Biografia do Autor

Maria Carolina Martins Mussi, Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia

Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia, Department of Pathology

Fernanda Mombrini Pigatti, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Dental School, Department of Stomatology and Clinic

Priscila Lie Tobouti, Universidade de São Paulo

Universidade de São Paulo, Dental School, Department of Pathology

Bruno Tavares Sedassar, Universidade Nove de Julho

Universidade Nove de Julho, Medical School, Department of Pathology

Decio dos-Santos Pinto Junior, Universidade de São Paulo

Universidade de São Paulo, Dental School, Department of Pathology

Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de Sousa, Universidade de São Paulo

Universidade de São Paulo, Dental School, Department of Pathology


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Como Citar

Mussi MCM, Pigatti FM, Tobouti PL, Sedassar BT, Pinto Junior D dos-S, Sousa SCOM de. Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor with chondroid differentiation: a potential diagnostic pitfall. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 8º de janeiro de 2021 [citado 21º de setembro de 2024];6:1-4. Disponível em: https://jordi.com.br/revista/article/view/50



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