Knowledge and attitudes of brazilian dentists towards the dental treatment of chronic kidney




Dentists, Knowledge, Dental care, Chronic kidney failure, Renal dialysis


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by metabolic alterations and progressive irreversible loss of the kidney’s ability to perform glomerular filtration. Dental follow- up and handling of individuals with CKD is important and represents a challenge for the dentists. Thus, the aim was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Brazilian dentists towards the dental treatment of CKD patients. This research employed a cross-sectional study conducted between June and September 2019, with 488 dentists, from São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Data collection occurred through application of a structured self-report form using Google Forms tool. The questions addressed clinical knowledge towards dental treatment of patients with CKD, during invasive or non-invasive dental procedures. Sociodemographic data were collected by using the same questionnaire. A descriptive analysis of the data, Chi-square and Linear Association tests were performed. A significant percentage of participants (223/488; 45.7%) felt uncomfortable performing invasive dental treatments in CKD patients. The great majority (385/488, 78.9%) would prescribe prophylactic antibiotics before invasive dental procedures, whereas 18.2% would prescribe antibiotics, even before non-invasive procedures. Most dentists recommended this practice to prevent colonization of the venous access for haemodialysis (225/448; 57.4%), and to prevent infective endocarditis (176/488; 44.9%). Female gender (268/385; 69.6%) and private higher education institution (250/385; 64.9%) were found to be associated with the prescription of prophylactic antibiotics in CKD individuals on haemodialysis (p < 0.005). Our results showed that most interviewed dentists prescribe prophylactic antibiotics inadvertently not following the current recommendations of recognized international associations.

Biografia do Autor

Natália Silva Andrade, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Departamento de Odontologia de Lagarto

Marina Gallottini, Universidade de São Paulo

Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Estomatologia


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Como Citar

Andrade NS, Gallottini M. Knowledge and attitudes of brazilian dentists towards the dental treatment of chronic kidney. J Oral Diagn [Internet]. 11º de janeiro de 2020 [citado 19º de setembro de 2024];5:1-6. Disponível em:



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